You know all the logical reasons why you shouldn't smoke. So why can't you stop? Why won't you stop? Is there a difference? The answer is Yes. If you've ever been in 'two minds' about something, then you have experienced first-hand the power of your subconscious mind. But beware of believing that it is 'all powerful'. It is quite powerful, but you can begin to take control.
Hypnotherapy is one of the fastest ways of treating habits. Through a very light relaxed state, we can allow ourselves to access the subconscious mind in ways that our everyday waking state cannot.
“Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit.” R. Matthews, New Scientist Magazine
Once you have made the initial contact with me, by phone, email, etc., then I know that you are serious about your decision to stop smoking and you become a priority for me. If you have decided upon a particular date to stop, then we schedule the appointment around this date or as close to it as possible.
Otherwise, we make the appointment based on availability. I try to schedule you in as soon as possible, preferably within that same week, if time allows. I prioritise smoking cessation sessions.
How is it done? Your session goes something like this:
1.) I always speak with you first to see what is on your mind at the moment. I can also ascertain whether I think I can be of help. I must turn people away sometimes. It's through my own assessment and it doesn't mean that you won't stop. But I am only interested in a successful session. There may be reasons why I feel I cannot help at this time. You can always contact someone else, or come back another time, if this is appropriate.
2) We make an appointment. I outline the fee and we decide on a time and date for the appointment.
3) On the day of your session, please just go about your normal day. You may find that you have already cut down by then. Do not schedule any strenuous activity after the session. You will be in quite a relaxed and 'chilled out' state, and all you will really want to do is go home and relax. You can go out however, go partying or whatever you want to do. You will be able to drive, walk, bike, etc. as normal. You may find that you have the best sleep of your life that night.
4). Tell whomever you choose, but in no way feel obligated to prove yourself to anyone. You are the most important person regarding this, and you need only yourself for approval. You may choose to notify your doctor. You can give him/her my details if you wish.
5). Plan your appointment early enough where you can have a tea/coffee in the local café and relax a bit if time allows. This is a special day, and your life will change, and so sometimes having that coffee or tea can be relaxing and reassuring.
6). In preparation (in the days leading up to the appointment), ask yourself the following questions:
a. Why do I wish to stop smoking now?
b. Is there any reason why I still may want to smoke?
c. How will my life be different without smoking?
d. Once I stop, how can I reward myself with the extra money I save?
This is very important: How will you reward yourself? What can I do for myself? Do I need a holiday? Have I always wanted to have an aromatherapy message? Have I always wanted to go to a health spa and be pampered? Should I now get that motorcycle license? Do I now want to go and get that bike for my fitness? Do I now want to sign up for yoga classes? How about that course I always wanted to take but couldn't afford? Should I treat my children? How about some new pieces for my wardrobe? (These are examples taken from actual client cases and feedback after quitting smoking).
You've been giving your body and mind a hard time for many years now. You are starting to be good to yourself. Rewarding yourself is your signal to your subconscious that 'I am now in control, and I choose to treat myself well. I will give myself _________________.' (You fill in the blank).
There is no end to the benefits of stopping smoking. And although many people are fully aware of all the reasons they should stop, they still find that they cannot stop. For many, Hypnotherapy is a last resort. Great, if you want to stop. And people enjoy the session.
Smoking and Vaping: Is there a difference?
The medical research into the effects of vaping is relatively new, as it will take some time to gather evidence regarding the long-term effects of vaping. E-cigarettes were regulated in 2016 by the government and you must be 18-years old to purchase them. Though you are eliminintaing tobacco, you are not eliminating nicotine as most e-cigarettes do containt nicotine, which is the addictive substance that makes it so hard to stop smoking. You would be much better off eliminating the habit of 'smoking' itself, not matter what you smoke.
Vaping is now seen as the 'go-to' alternative to smoking tobacco. But the habit remains. It can be seen as a start to eliminating smoking all together. However, it is the nicotine that remains.
Stopping the actual habit of smoking would benefit you healthwise. Remember, smoking is not just about the cigarette. It is about what you percieve it to do for you, what it represents for you, and what you think you get from it. Be it stree-relief, calmness, or something to do, these are your beliefs about your habit. Transferring it to an e-cigarette does not eliminate the problem.
To make an appointment to discuss stopping smoking all together, email me, details are below.